1) Important: If you need to enter precipitation accumulated over a multi-day period, please use the Multi-Day Accumulation report option that is available on your account.
2) We do not carry hail pads and were unable to find a local vendor with less expensive versions. These can be ordered through CoCoRaHS for $4.75 at the following link: https://weatheryourway.com/collections/other-weather-observer-supplies
Or, you can make your own hail pad: http://www.cocorahs.org/Content.aspx?page=MakingHailPads
If you have a hail pad, be sure to mark the location of where the pad is placed ex, 3 miles south east of "city". Be sure to mark your station ID on the hail pad report which can be found on the CoCoRaHS website! Always remember to anchor your hail pad, the last thing you want is your valuable hail information being carried away in the wind.
3) Your state Leadership:
State Coordinator Anthony Lupo Professor Atmospheric Sciences School of Natural Resources 302 E ABNR Building University of Missouri Columbia, MO 65211 Phone: 573.884.1638 Email: lupoa@missouri.edu
Western Missouri Eastern Missouri Southeast Missouri Central Missouri
Thomas Olsen Patrick Walsh Sean Poulos Tony Lupo National Weather Service National Weather Service National Weather Service University of Missouri 5805 West Hwy EE 12 Missouri Research Park Dr 8250 Kentucky HWY 3520 302 E ABNR Building Springfield, MO 65802 St. Charles, MO 63304 West Paducah, KY 42086 Columbia, MO 65211 417-863-8028 636-441-8467 270-744-6440 573-884-1638 Nicolette Zangara Meteorologist, KY3 StormTeam 999 W. Sunshine St. Springfield, MO 65807 224-778-0182 nicolette.zangara@gray.tv